Sunday, July 16, 2006

Ringworld, some thoughts

Just completed Ringworld last night, and have to say it was a fantastic read. At the end of the book, I clearly found myself just wanting to read more and more of the story. It had a fantastic circlular motion, that obviously plays into the ringworld imagery itself. The images of the planet really pull themselves out of the text. Such fantastic images of the ring wrapping itself through the night sky and the massive 1000 mile high fist of god will always stick with me. I think this classic piece of writting will aid me immensely in the writing of my own such pieces. The last few chapters deal rather brilliantly with species and individuals playing "god". I found this to have such amazing relivance today. Mind this is a rather common theme, stretching back to at least Mary Shelly's Frankenstein. The book is worth the read, it's a classic for a reason.

Some interesting interpretations here:

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Canada Day and The Return to Writing

Been a little while since I've been a posting. Way too much in the way of French class and work. Writing has begun in earnest again. At present I'm tying up some lose ends with Glimpses of Honululu Blue, a short story I began back in 2002 while I was working at the ambassador bridge. I really liked the flow of the work, and the fluidity of the dialogue so I've been working on finishing it. Looks to be doable. Which is surprising after a four year absence from it.
The other piece is entitled Peru Salvagum, a Sci-Fi novel. Two chapters down and a bunch more to go. I've presently turned to Larry Neivin's classic Ringworld for a little sci-fi inspiration. Seems to be working. I am really enjoying his piece. Little less like my first person HST take on the imagined world. Still, it's holding my attention and bring up some great ideas for Peru.
It is Canada day, so I've decided to add a little picture of love from my homeland, strong and free. A shot from the Peace Fountain on the East side of the city of Windsor. I loved going here as a kid, even more and as a teenager and now long for it as an adult. Regardless, Bon Fete a ma pays seulement!