Thursday, June 08, 2006

Evolutionary concerns and dietary issues

For all intents and purposes we have almost wholey relocated to our new quarters. Nestled near the same hilltop occupied by MSU, it is a tiny space but a welcome change. There appears to have been a growing hostility, or perhaps dislike on the part of our previous neighbours. It could all be in perceptions misheld chiefly by Emily and I, but there was at least an aspect of tension in the area. It could stem from the fundamental belief I have that vegetarians despise carnivores. Somewhat twisted individuals, these vegetarians appear to be significantly lower on the food chain. Much of their mental imbalances most likely stem from protein deprievation of the brain. It mainly causes paranonia and loss of common sense. Regardless of my deeply entrenched belief above vegetarians, one thing is obvious. I can tolerate their existence. Well could, if they stopped their twisted form evangelical religion. There often appears among them a significant amount of hatred towards those of the carnivorious persausion. Regardless, as neighbours we belonged to two different camps. There usually appeared some animosity from one the groups towards the other. Let's put it this way we eat meat and vegetables. Ho-hum, its pretty much done.
The rain finally appears to be finished its daily barrage. No worries it brightens up the high alpine semi-arid desert. Been shopping for insurance. Its fun like shopping for toliet covers. Both are suppose to cover your ass and both tend to be slightly overpriced. On that note, long live the Buddha's.


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