Saturday, June 03, 2006

Blogging and Art of Due Deligence

Been awhile since last I worked the hallowed halls of North Hedges, hence no posting. Summer here in Bozeman continues to roll along. With no Icedogs to look forward to, I've begun to refocus my attention to Bobcat football. The upcoming season could prove a interesting one with the absence of stand-out Quarterback Lulay. What will the crowd be left to chant? Our Hawaiian import could prove the most beneficial. Perhaps the throwing of pineapples onto the field may bring Big Sky conference football to whole new place. I think my largest question is who will be the punter? No Lulay mean no punter? I think it may interesting to utlilize a lineman for this purpose. Nothing better than a three pound man trying to boot a football the length of field. Think about. Brilliant.
French is going well to-date. I'm starting to think about starting an exclusive French language blog. This may not happen until fall. Need some time to raise the language proficency. Check back for details.
On the upside there appears to be a fantastic little music festival appearing here in the Northern Rockies. The third annual Babb Festival in Babb, MT will be taking place the final weekend of July. I believe the midwestern drug culture should be represented. With the Dirty Dozen Brass Band headlining I also believe true cajun fare should be dolled out. A little vending of Chicory Coffee, some homemade beignets and jambalya may be in order. I'm gathering information as we speak. I shall post.
The great move continues. Emily and I have acquired a studio apartment even closer to campus. All this french language must be affecting me. I'm willing to live in a smaller place. Should be an interesting time with Big Bad Bo a companying us. On the upside, its quite nice and somewhat cheaper. As the great James Pederson would say "Cheap is good."


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