Thursday, May 11, 2006

Some thoughts on Moby Dick, the Icedogs, and Water

Just started reading Moby Dick this afternoon, and have to say that I've really connected with the first chapter. Ahab's discussion on how people are so drawn to water really struck a chord with me. I miss my Saturday and Sunday mornings lounging around on Windsor's waterfront and watching the countless freighters and sailboats drift by. It was simply amazing who blue the Detroit River looks on some summer days. Easily that was the most fantastic part of life the city. I've traded that view in for the one I now have of the Bridger, Hylite, and Tobacco Root Mountains. I'm almost starting to want a refund. The mountain tax hits you hard, and somehow those white cap beauties never seem as serenly awe-inspiring as when I first arrived some two years ago. Maybe that's just nostalgia for you. Water though is beautiful, and without it I at times feel at least a little lost.
"Go visit the Prairies in June, when scores on scores of miles you wade knee-deep among Tiger-lilies - what is the one charm wanting? Water - there is not a drop of water there!"
On a much more cheery note, the Icedogs keep a rolling. Propped up by MVP goaltender the 'dogs got past Cleveland in their first game. In honour of that first win, I'm posting some pictures I snapped at the Valley Ice Gardens earlier this season. March I believe.


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