The Great Montana Defection of 2006
With the Billings Bulls, and Helena Bighorns leaving the NAHL, it appears that the Icedogs will be joining forces with them to reform the old AWHL. I can't say I'm overly familiar with that specific league or its alumni, but I believe that it does pose some interesting aspects to the game of hockey. If it does manage to reform, the AWHL would do anything but spell the demise of hockey in the mountain state. The regional aspect of the game may boost support for the franchises. While attending the games here in Bozeman, and the one I went to in Billings I noticed the largest section of fans were local Montanans proper. Not too many transplants at these games. Well, not seemingly from the larger western states such as California, and Washington. Not really the hockey types, it almost seems like those individuals prefer their homes on the hill, or the snotty confines of transplated wine bars and yuppie sub-urbanite lounges. I acutally recall one fine game when one of the interesting transplants decided to seat herself in front us this season. I believe she and her husband lasted about a period before our vulgarness chased her away.Regardless, I'm all for the regionalization of most any economics. I've been a long time advocate of bioregionalism (yep, dating back to my old days under John Wadland at Trent University), and I figure why not include hockey under that umbrella. With these continent wide hockey leagues we often lose the little teams that carry with them such individuality and civic/town pride. I've uploaded a couple of logos from the old AWHL, including Fernie (BC), Butte, Great Falls, and orginal Helena logo. Maybe with a little more concentration on the local aspects of hockey in Montana, junior hockey support can establish a greater base. A bedrock to link itself to, if you will. In such an entity, there could readily be places for towns like Livingston, Missoula, Kalispel, and Miles City to participate. Smaller is better in many cases, and this could be one of those times.
As far as facilities go here in Bozeman, undoubtedly Budwieser will buy up the Valley Ice Gardens and convert it into its lovely warehouse. This does pose a problem. Budwieser does this often in markets it does not control. By flooding the market with deeply discounted products they seek to eat up the market and knock out its competition. In the case of this region, it includes Bozone, Madison River, Wolf Pack (although rumour has it they're already moving), and Neptune. This is sick and sad. Support your local breweries, simply stated they make better beer.
Martel is also rumoured to be looking into the construction of brand new ice facility for the Bozeman community. This is by all measures a great idea. The present ceiling/roof at the Valley Icegardens is far too low. They could also clearly use a better accoustic configuration, and a tad better of a scoreboard. A major money maker, the club and vip seats should also gather more attention. The lack of adequate bathroom facilities is another issue that should be addressed. Lastly, its distance from the population base of Bozeman is also a concern. Perhaps teaming up with the University might help some planning and land purchasing concerns.
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